Recent Blog Posts

Only the legislature can solve school funding problems

Schools in Seattle and across our state are in crisis, and this is an all-hands-on-deck moment to save them — please take a moment and click here to ask your legislators to fully fund our public schools! On Tuesday, June 4, Seattle Public Schools will meet with Seattle’s state legislative delegation to discuss the district’s […]

Save public education: Pass a wealth tax and scrap the cap!

Across Washington State public schools are facing a worsening budget crisis that threatens to spiral out of control, causing cuts to programs, teacher layoffs, and even school closures. The future of our public schools is at stake. Unfortunately, the state legislature continues to deliberately and knowingly underfund public education, with state spending per pupil actually […]

Designed to Fail: The Legislature’s McCleary solution has collapsed

Five years ago the state legislature adopted a new education funding plan intended to comply with an order from the Washington State Supreme Court. The Court had found the state was in violation of Article IX of the state constitution, which states “It is the paramount duty of the state to make ample provision for […]

The State Has Failed Our Kids

For 40 years, Washington’s public school funding has been undermined by state government cutbacks, band-aid solutions, budget tricks, unfunded voter mandates, and indifference to student, parent, and teacher concerns. The State still does not fund what our K-12 students actually need.

The Court Told Them to Fix It

In 2012, the Washington State Supreme Court ruled unanimously in the McCleary case that state government had failed its paramount constitutional duty to fully fund basic education for our children. They ordered the State to come up with a plan to fix it and then fully fund basic education by the 2017-2018 school year.

No more foot-dragging

Now the Legislature is dragging its feet while our children continue to suffer the consequences. We are Washington’ Paramount Duty — a broad-based network of parents, by parents, and for students — working to compel the State to fully fund our children’s basic education now.