We are forming the Washington’s Paramount Duty (WPD) Statewide Coalition – an important step in expanding our base of support.
Our statewide organizing effort is focused on only one thing – closing the gap and fully funding basic education in Washington. Though we do not yet have agreement on how much money is needed, it is safe to say that this is the most significant fiscal challenge our state has ever faced. (Check out our recent blog post on this subject.)
Because of its size, the funding gap can’t be closed by budget cuts alone – that would devastate vital state services like higher education, long-term and mental health care, and public safety. We need new revenues to close the gap and fully fund basic education. We will be calling on lawmakers in the 2017 legislative session to adopt the new funding we need – funding that is sufficient, sustainable, fair, and accountable.
But we can’t do it alone. In order to win passage of a funding solution, we need to build a broad and diverse base of support – and that’s why we are inviting organizations across Washington to join us. Participation means:
- Your organization’s name will be on our materials as a WPD Statewide Coalition member.
- We will provide you with regular updates on opportunities to share our messages with your membership or network via email and your own social media strategy.
If you and your organization believe that all children in Washington have a right to a fully funded basic education, and if you agree that we need a revenue solution that will get us there, please join our coalition and echo our call.
Joining the WPD coalition is easy – just email us at heather@paramountduty.org and say “count me in”.
We’re excited to have you on board.