ACTION NEEDED! Please CALL GOV. INSLEE: 360-902-4111 on Thursday, July 6! Parents are asking Gov. Inslee to veto a huge new tax cut for businesses that was created in the budget deal. Here’s the story: Even as legislators failed to fully fund public schools, they added a section to the funding bill (SSB 5977) that […]
Summer Stinson
Actions 4 Education
Olympia is in budgetary deadlock and yet there is work to be done. WPD is continuing to advocate during special session(s) and ask you to please review and engage in these Actions 4 Education to amplify our collective voice in calling for new and fair revenue to fully fund education: 1. UPDATE on the Senate Republicans’ Property Tax Hike […]
Actions 4 Education!
The legislature is now well into special session. Two weeks ago, WPD organized and showed up in force to address Senator Dino Rossi’s (R – 45th LD) political stunt of sponsoring SB 5929, an identical version of the House Democrats’ revenue package, HB 2186, at the Senate Ways and Means Committee hearing. The hearing room and two overflow rooms were packed, with […]
Actions 4 Education – Start of Special Session
The Legislature entered Special Session – here are this week’s key Actions 4 Education The 2017 legislative session ended yesterday with no negotiated budget and no resolution for education funding. As parents and allies whose mission it is to see basic education fully funded, we are extremely disappointed that the legislature is entering a special […]
No Joke! Actions 4 Education
STATEMENT ON HOUSE DEMOCRATS’ BUDGET The House Democrats released their budget this past Monday. It’s a good start, getting us closer toward fulfilling the constitution’s guarantee of full and ample funding for our schools. Their plan adds billions of dollars in new revenues from capital gains taxes and higher taxes on larger businesses. We support […]
ACTION ALERT – Tell your legislators it’s time to fully fund our schools!
ACTION ALERT FROM SUMMER STINSON, VP, WASHINGTON’S PARAMOUNT DUTY Efforts to fully fund our public schools are still being held up in the state legislature. While Senate Republicans finally passed the levy cliff extension yesterday after much pressure from parents, they also proposed a deeply flawed funding plan that doesn’t add up. Democrats haven’t […]