The House Democrats released their budget this past Monday. It’s a good start, getting us closer toward fulfilling the constitution’s guarantee of full and ample funding for our schools. Their plan adds billions of dollars in new revenues from capital gains taxes and higher taxes on larger businesses. We support those revenue plans and will fight for them in the coming weeks (see below for actions you can take right now!).
The House budget does fall short in several ways – it doesn’t fund smaller class sizes for all grades, it doesn’t have as much as we need for special education, and it needs to close more corporate tax breaks. But if we organize now to fight for the new revenue options offered in the House budget, we can finally start moving the legislature toward full and ample funding for schools.
Please take one (or more!) of these Actions 4 Education to amplify our collective voice in calling for new and fair revenue to fully fund education:
- Testify this coming Monday at 8 am: Be heard in Olympia! Join us to testify at the House Finance Committee Meeting on Monday, April 3 at 8:00 am on the House Democrats’ revenue proposals to support education funding and other budget investments (HB 2186). Sign up to receive suggested talking points by emailing Aaron Horton.
- For more information on the House Budget, click here.
- “$60 Million in Fines”
- Sign up and invite others to sign up for the “60 Million in Fines” Thunderclap for April 4, the day our legislature accumulates $60 million in McCleary court sanctioned fines.
- Write a Letter to the Editor: Contact Aaron for information about our letter to the editor campaign about the $60 million in court fines for April 3rd Submission.
- Write or call your state legislators using this easy online tool. All you need to is put in your address and send 3 emails or make 3 calls with a pre-written script.
- Attend this free advocacy training this weekend and learn how we can be the change we want to see. Hope and Action with Senator Kevin Ranker and Tina Podlodowski on Sunday, April 2 at 1:00 pm, at the Moore Theater, 1932 2nd Ave, Seattle, WA 98101.
Thank you for your advocacy on behalf of Washington’s 1.1 million public school students!